Sunday, August 19, 2012

Speculation and Innuendo

If there is one thing a person has to love about the internet it is the fact that a person such as myself, Pat Dough, can write a blog under an assumed name and not have to worry about having their true identity put out there for the whole world to see. As of late there has been speculation that the identity of one, Pat Dough, has been revealed via twitter and other blogs. To that I - LOL.

I must say while that is a very good ruse to get me to slip up and reveal myself inadvertently, its one that I've seen used to slam innocent people. While I'm not sure where these super e-sleuthers get their information I will say this, it is funny watching innocent person(s) getting blamed for something they have no hand in or knowledge of (as far as I know), as in this blog. As long as the eyes are on someone else the better off I will be.

I'm thinking about taking this opportunity to start name dropping while all the focus is on others as being the writers of this blog, that way I, Pat Dough, will not have to reveal myself, and the people being named as writers of this blog will take any/all blame for MY actions.

Now let me address the email that I received that someone is screaming "FAKE!"  Apparently this someone is on a World-Wide-Web tour claiming that the email is a FAKE, the same someone who had a big part in the PM's that no one wants to believe were faked to set up Murt.

The email in question was sent to me from that someone and why she is now screaming "FAKE" is beyond me, but it leaves one with something to think about, if this person claims something was made-up or faked to make her look bad then it could be done to just about anyone, right?

                                                                                       Pat Dough

                          The Big Reveal Is Coming!  




1 comment:

  1. The blogging world knows who is behind this blog thanks to my EXTRA SPECIAL sleuthing skills & I will not rest until that old child fucker Murt is dead!
