Sunday, August 19, 2012

A Bully Speaks Out Against Bullies

Click image to enlarge

*Things that make ya go.....HMMMMMM*


  1. Gee. Sounds like RadioDeJay is talking about holly briley. That's ALL she does. The brileys do EXACTLY that. Check out peoples personal information and post it on her blog. Radio also asks "when is going to stop?". I'll tell you when. When holly's fingers are broken. You never know. Her hand might get slammed in the car door or some kind of event to have her blogging fingers broken. That would be a shame too, because her blogs are soooo interesting. hahahahahaha

  2. Shortbusdude why do you comment on your own stories? I've got you pegged so the jig is up.

  3. William Murtaugh is a victim. He is not a pedophile or anything they accuse him of. This was all started by Terry Stipp because Murt did not defend her, when the truth came out about her being a sex offender. Terry plead guilty to the charges. Why would Murt support that? Ever since, they have tried to make his life Hell. For what? To even the score. Terry Stipp is sick and should not be allowed internet access. I wish someone would break her legs or better yet, I hope she gets flesh eating bacteria and just croaks. She's an evil and vile woman and no doubt Tricia Griffith of Websleuths is involved in this mess too.
